Golden moments retrospective — when a project or phase ends

By Rebecca Jones


Sharing appreciations in a Golden moments retrospective. Photo by Women in Tech on Unsplash.

When a project or phase ends, the Golden moments retrospective is a chance to look back at the project and remember the good stuff. It’s a great way to farewell a team member who’s leaving or to wrap up the work.

When to use this retrospective

Use the Golden moments retrospective when:

A project or phase ends and you want to remember the good stuff so you can lock it into future work.

This might be the end of a project, a phase of a project or a team member’s time on a project.

What you need

For the Golden moments retrospective you need:

  • Whiteboard
  • Post-it notes
  • Sharpies
  • Timer


1 hour

The outcome

The Golden moments retrospective is a chance for the team to reminisce about their time on the project. It can be a nice farewell to a team member or a final recap for a project or phase. At the end of the retro, you’ll have locked in the good memories and the good learnings.


Draw up a whiteboard with a Golden Moments heading and four columns: Proudest moments, Funniest moments, Most memorable moments and Golden nugget takeaways. You’re after something like this:

Golden moments retrospective board divided into four columns: Proudest moments, Funniest moments, Most memorable moments and Golden nugget takeaways.

1. Opener

Pick an opener of your choice.

2. Proudest Moment

Ask everyone to silently brainstorm some of their proudest moments from the project. Write each one on its own post-it.

Have each team member take turns to share their proudest moment with the team and stick the post-its on the board.

2 minute brainstorm

3. Funniest moment

Ask everyone to silently brainstorm some of the funniest moments from the project. Write each one on its own post-it.

Take turns to share and stick up the funniest moments.

2 minute brainstorm

4. Most memorable moment

Ask everyone to silently brainstorm some of their most memorable moments from the project.

Take turns to share and stick up the most memorable moments.

2 minute brainstorm

5. Golden nugget of wisdom

Ask everyone to silently brainstorm one or two lessons they’ve learned on the project.

Take turns to share and stick up the golden nuggets.

2 minute brainstorm

6. Shared appreciation for each team member

Ask the team to brainstorm one thing they appreciate about each team member.

Focusing on one team member at a time, have everyone read out their appreciation for that person.

4 minute brainstorm

Learn more

The art of the retrospective

Retrospective plans

All retrospective ideas

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