Friday links: design, development, usability and more

By Nathan Donaldson

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This is the first entry in a semi-regular series sharing things that we’ve been looking at and reading recently …

Sarah (one of our project managers)

Sue (one of our designers, recently returned from a break in the sunny northern hemisphere)

  • Lighten up your winter blues: heaps of colour and shapes on Coolhunter

Alastair (one of our developers)

  • Firefox 4 introduces more HTML 5 and CSS functionality. One step further towards the death of Flash? Still in beta so one for the developers.

Rachel (our office manager)

(Rachel notes that she’s not as much of a sports fiend as the above link might suggest, and also recommends data/infographic blog Cool Infographics)

Jake (who looks after our usability testing tool IntuitionHQ)

  • Gnarcade – Video Game Invasion: for video game fans, and geeks in general

Courtney (that’s me – project manager)

  • Aaron Straup Cope’s magical slippy map showing the world as revealed by geo-tagged photos on Flickr
  • Swallows and Amazons, the current exhibition at Robert Heald Gallery, which is close to our office – on show until 31 July.

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